Constraining Iran In The Strait -- Ilan Berman, New York Times
The past two weeks have seen a dramatic escalation in Iran’s war of words with the West.
Last Wednesday, Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi told Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, that new economic pressure currently being contemplated by the West would come at a steep cost. According to Rahimi, “not a drop of oil” will pass through the Strait of Hormuz — a key strategic waterway that serves as a conduit for as much as a third of the world’s oil — if additional sanctions are levied against the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program. Iran’s top naval commander, Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, has been even more explicit, warning publicly that his country stands ready to block the strait if necessary.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Iran in Convulsion (the death spiral continues) -- Michael Ledeen, PJMedia
Iran’s self-defeating saber-rattling -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Iran feels the squeeze -- Victor Kotsev, Asia Times
US and Israel run out of options against Iran -- Amin Saikal, Sudney Morning Herald
The Arab League’s phony mission -- Global Mail editorial
The usual suspects beat the war drums over Syria, but the West won't be drawn in -- Michael Burleigh, Daily Mail
Mass murder in Syria, inaction by Obama -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
Younger Kim faces need to prove himself -- Christian Oliver, Financial Times
Why Islamists have dominated Egypt's elections -- Barak Barfi, CNN
Who’s Funding the Islamists in Egypt? -- Michael Rubin, Commentary
NATO and Libya: It's Time To Retire a Fading Alliance -- Doug Bandow, Forbes