The United States wasn't able to keep the B-29 a sercret very long. Russia developed its own version within a few years. Wikipedia, public domain.
No One Can Win The Future -- Slate
It's wrong to pit U.S. and Chinese scientists against each other in a research arms race.
Almost a year ago, President Obama set a challenge in his State of the Union speech: "We need to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world." He had just signed a law that ordered the Department of Commerce to write a report on American “competitiveness.” That report was released last week and claims that "elements of the U.S. economy are losing their competitive edge which may mean that future generations of Americans will not enjoy a higher standard of living."
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My Comment: Secrets are always fleeting .... and in a world where the internet connects everyone around the world instantaneously .... forget about keeping secrets and data to oneself.