Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Heavy Fighting In South Sudan. Aid Agencies Fear For Their Staff

Fears For MSF Staff After South Sudan Tribal Clashes -- The Telegraph

Fighting between rival tribes in South Sudan forced over 100 staff from the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres to flee into the bush on Sunday.

Doctors and nurses had to evacuate a hospital in the town of Pibor and two outreach clinics as a column of 6,000 armed youths from the Lou Nuer tribe descended on the town in pursuit of a rival tribe, the Murle. The hospital was reportedly torched by the attacking forces.

"Since the start of the fighting, the whole population has started displacing and running into the bush," said Parthesarathy Rajendran, the head of mission at MSF. "What we are hearing is that our clinic has been damaged and a lot of things looted."

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More News On The Escalating Violence In South Sudan

South Sudan 'sends more troops' to strife-torn town Pibor -- BBC
Report: Fighters attack South Sudan town despite presence of U.N. peacekeepers -- CNN
South Sudan forces heading to flashpoint city -- AFP
UN on high alert in South Sudan's tribal clashes -- The National/AFP
UN Deploys Peacekeeping Troops in South Sudan -- Epoch Times
Thousands flee escalating violence -- Courier Mail/AFP

My Comment: Tribalism and ethnic conflict has always been the scourge of Africa .... and sadly .... it's playing out right now in this part of South Sudan.
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