Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Program Rescues Dogs From Afghanistan

Sheila Shaffer gets some quality time with Charlie, her beloved mutt from Afghanistan. Palm Beach Post

Program Rescues Dogs From Afghanistan, Reunites Them With U.S. Soldiers -- Palm Beach Post

At this time of year, when many people are in desperate financial straits, it's appropriate to ask why anyone would squander $4,000 to bring a mutt from Afghanistan to the United States.

Well, Sheila Schaffer is more than happy to take on that question. A veteran of the Army National Guard, she is fierce in her defense of Charlie, her beloved mutt from Afghanistan.

Charlie is barking in the background as Schaffer speaks on the phone from her home in Iowa.

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My Comment: Must be that 'unconditional love' thing that dogs are very good at giving and dog owners (like myself) are all to familiar with.
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