Unaccountable Killing Machines: The True Cost of U.S. Drones -- Joshua Foust, The Atlantic
Officials often portray the global expansion of deadly drone strikes as an unequivocal success. But are we really accounting for all the consequences?
A series of articles have been published recently about the extent and, in some cases, failures of the drone program so famously expanded under President Obama's watch. The first, a blockbuster article by the Washington Post's Greg Miller, brings to light some truly worrying aspects of a policy that seems to have taken on a life of its own (emphasis mine):
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My Comment: Like the CIA's rendition program in the beginning, there was general acceptance of the program from everyone .... but with time this changed. In regards to today's drone program and operations .... the lack of oversight is what I perceive to be the big problem in the drone program. Who gets killed .... who does not .... such a concept would have been repudiated in Congress, the main stream media, academia, pundits galore in the past .... but today .... with the exception of a few groups and pundits .... nothing. There will be an accounting of this program .... and heads are probably going to roll .... but not today.