Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Will Arm Sales Help President Obama And The Democrats In 2012?

Analysis: U.S. Fighter Sales Soar In Time For Campaign -- Yahoo News/Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Booming Middle East purchases of U.S. fighter jets will be a bright spot in what is expected to be a sluggish economy in 2012, possibly paying dividends for President Barack Obama's bid for a second term.

Beneficiaries include Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing Co, whose respective F-16 and F-15 production lines are being extended by U.S. government sales to Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Oman, among other rich arms deals announced in recent weeks.

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My Comment: President Obama's weakest issue in the 2012 election cycle is the U.S. economy .... specifically unemployment. Arms sales do generate jobs .... and for President Obama .... he needs every job to be created if he wants to extend his stay in the White House for another 4 years.
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