Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

President Obama To Unveil A Leaner U.S. Military Strategy

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Obama To Unveil Austere Pentagon Strategy -- Washington Post

President Obama is scheduled to make a rare visit to the Pentagon on Thursday to unveil details of a strategic review for the U.S. military that will consolidate missions and downsize the ambitions of the armed forces as they adjust to a new era of austerity, officials said.

Obama, who will be joined by Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will place his personal imprint on a new military strategy that Pentagon officials have been preparing for months in anticipation of the largest cuts to the defense budget since the end of the Cold War.

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More News On America's New Military Strategy

Obama to unveil leaner US military strategy -- AFP
Obama Will Make Rare Pentagon Visit to Announce New Military Strategy and Reductions -- FOX News
Obama to appear at strategy unveiling -- Marine Times
Obama, Leon Panetta to unveil ‘more realistic’ vision for U.S. military -- National Post/Reuters
Obama to Make Rare Visit to Pentagon for Rollout of New Strategy -- National Journal
Pentagon to unveil plan guiding big spending cuts -- AP
In New Strategy, Panetta Plans Even Smaller Army -- New York Times
Panetta ending two-war strategy -- CNN
Obama plans to cut tens of thousands of ground troops -- Reuters
US Defense Cuts May Force Pentagon Strategy Shift -- Voice of America
New Pentagon strategy will guide defense cuts, shift US security focus to Asia -- Washington Post/AP
Military slashes number of troops in Europe as Obama orders $470bn cuts at Pentagon -- Daily Mail
Military spend gets a buzz cut as officials strive to define future roles -- Sydney Morning Herald
Panetta’s Defense Strategy Questioned Before It’s Released -- Bloomberg Businessweek

Obama Says US Military Can’t Win Two Wars at Once…Guess Why…
-- Reuters
New Obama Strategy Looks Misguided, Predictable, Underwhelming -- August Cole, Aol Defense
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