Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Stratfor Subscribers Personal Data Revealed By Hackers

A screenshot of the Stratfor's site on Christmas Day. Anonymous claimed Sunday to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to clients of the security think tank. (December 25, 2011)

Hackers Reveal Personal Data Of 860,000 Stratfor Subscribers -- L.A. Times

The AntiSec branch of Anonymous releases email addresses and other information for Dan Quayle, Henry Kissinger and hundreds of U.S. intelligence, law enforcement and military officials.

Reporting from Washington — A computer hacking group has revealed email addresses and other personal data from former Vice President Dan Quayle, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, and hundreds of U.S. intelligence, law enforcement and military officials in a high-profile case of cyber-theft.

The unauthorized release of account information for 860,000 subscribers to Stratfor, a Texas-based company that provides analysis of national and international affairs, makes it possible to identify some subscribers and, in theory, impersonate them in cyberspace, analysts warned.

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More News On Stratfor Being Hacked And Information On Their Clients Being Released

Anonymous strikes again: Hackers publish email addresses and passwords of 860,000 clients of shadowy U.S. security firm -- Daily Mail
AKO users warned following Stratfor website hack -- Stars and Stripes
Stratfor left red-faced by security breach -- Tech Central
Strafor hackers publish credit card data -- Technology Spectator/Reuters
Stratfor so very, very sorry in wake of mega-hack -- The Register
Why we all lost in the Stratfor hack -- Michael Lee, ZDNet
The Stratfor Scandal -- J.R. Dunn, American Thinker

My Comment: Hacking news stories happen all the time, but what surprised me about Stratfor was the size of it's client base .... 860,000 subscribers is a lot of clients.
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