Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Britain Is Getting Ready For The Euro Collapse

UK Prepares Emergency Measures For Euro Collapse To Prevent An Influx Of People And Money -- Daily Mail

* Value of the Pound could surge if euro fails
* Britain's borders could be temporarily sealed against economic refugees
* Many experts believe the 17-member currency cannot survive the coming year
* Rich individuals from Greece and Portugal are already moving money into UK

Ministers are considering draconian plans to prevent a flood of money and people heading to Britain from Europe if the ailing single currency collapses.

Experts fear that the collapse of the euro would lead to the widespread movement of both people and money – with potentially damaging consequences for Britain if left unchecked.

The Treasury has drawn up contingency plans to prevent investors shifting huge sums of cash from the Eurozone to Britain – amid fears it could lead to a surge in the value of the Pound.

Read more ....

Update #1: Treasury plans for euro failure -- The Telegraph
Update #2: Rest in pieces: UK prepares for eurozone breakup -- RT

My Comment:
A sobering assessment on a worse case scenario. If you live in Europe .... read it all.
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