Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

U.S. Military To Cut Generals And Admirals

Pentagon Trimming Ranks Of Generals, Admirals -- Washington Post

With the Iraq war over and troops in Afghanistan on their way home, the U.S. military is getting down to brass tacks: culling generals and admirals from its top-heavy ranks.

Pentagon officials said they have eliminated 27 jobs for generals and admirals since March, the first time the Defense Department has imposed such a reduction since the aftermath of the Cold War, when the collapse of the Soviet Union prompted the military to downsize.

Read more ....

Update #1: Pentagon Reducing Numbers of Generals, Admirals -- ExecutiveGov
Update #2: U.S. Military to Have Fewer Generals and Admirals -- Latin American Herald Tribune

My Comment: As the above graph shows, there has been a burst in the number of Generals and Admirals employed by the U.S. military since 2001 (for more info on this growth, go here). But with the wars winding down .... and no reason to have such a large complement of senior officers .... the cuts are now coming.

Unfortunately .... Army NCOs are going to be cut also.
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