Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Iran Signals A Desire To Reopen Nuclear Talks

Iran Proposes To Reopen Nuclear Talks -- The Guardian

Islamic republic says it has notified UN of its intention to resume negotiations amid confusion over reported missile tests

Iran has proposed to reopen negotiations about its controversial nuclear programme with the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.

The invitation by Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, comes in the wake of new sanctions recently imposed by the UN over Tehran's uranium enrichment programme.

The last round of talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN security council and Germany – held in Istanbul in January – ended in failure.

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More News On Iran Wanting To Reopen Nuclear Talks

Iran initiates nuclear talks with six world powers as sanctions squeeze Ahmadinejad regime
-- New York Daily News
Iran Asks to Resume Talks Its Nuclear Program -- New York Times/AP
Iran says ready for nuclear talks as tensions mount -- AFP
U.S. steps up sanctions as Iran floats nuclear talks -- Reuters
Iran Calls for New Nuclear Talks, Delays Missile Test -- Voice of America
Iran delays planned missile tests, indicates willingness for fresh talks about its nuclear program -- National Post/Reuters
Iran delays missile test, says ready for nuke talks -- Times of India
Iran proposes nuclear talks reopen -- Press Association

My Comment: With Iran making it very clear that restricting their nuclear enrichment program is non-negotiable, I fail to see how new talks will change anything. What is having a bite .... and concerns Iran immensely (hence the desire for new talks) .... are sanctions against it's Central Bank. This will make doing international business increasingly difficult .... and more importantly for Iran .... increasingly expensive. For Iran's elite .... since sanctions were first imposed years ago .... for the first time they are now feeling their money is being targeted (which it is).
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