Congressional concern has increased over the secrecy surrounding the deployment of U.S. drones, such as the Air Force's Predator, pictured. U.S. Air Force/Reuters
Tensions Rising Over Drone Secrecy -- Wall Street Journal
Tensions are quietly increasing between the White House and some congressional leaders over access to sensitive information about the government's use of drones in Pakistan and Yemen, officials said.
The White House has brushed aside requests for information from lawmakers, who argue that the strikes, carried out secretly by the Central Intelligence Agency and the military's Joint Special Operations Command, have broad implications for U.S. policy but don't receive adequate oversight.
Some current and former administration, military and congressional officials point to what they see as significant oversight gaps, in part because few lawmakers have full access to information about the drone strikes.
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My Comment: Many on the left are finally voicing concerns over President Obama`s "drone wars". See here and here. But this is still not enough for the White House to change it`s policy to share information outside of the intelligence committees. As a result .... I expect tensions to increase, especially in the tough election cycle that we are expecting in 2012.