Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Getting Ready For Armageddon

Burlington, a command bunker buried under 100 feet of earth at Corsham, Wilts Photo: ALAMY

1961 Files: Codeword To Enter Secret Bunker At The End Of The World -- The Telegraph

Files released at Kew today include the 1962 Cabinet Office War Book, a brief but chilling guide to Armageddon, as seen from Downing Street.

Armageddon would be signalled by one word from Whitehall: orangeade.

This was the codeword that would allow a civil servant in London to be put through to Burlington, a secret bunker in Corsham, Wiltshire, warning that it was about to become the last bastion of British government after Soviet nuclear bombs had devastated the country. The procedure, detailed in the 1962 Cabinet Office War Book, released under the 50-year-rule, is a brief, chilling guide to what steps should be taken in the last hours before an attack.

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My Comment:
Thank God that such a day did not happen.
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