Russia’s Putin Rejects Calls To Talk With Opposition Leaders, Says There’s ‘Nobody To Talk To’ -- Washington Post/AP
MOSCOW — Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday rejected calls to hold talks with opposition leaders who have drawn tens of thousands of Russians to protest rallies to demand free elections and an end to his 12-year rule.
The opposition leaders “do not have a common platform, so there is nobody to talk to,” Putin told journalists from state news agencies.
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More News On Russian PM Putin Refusing To talk To Opposition Groups
Putin Criticizes Opponents, Sticks to Hard Line -- Wall Street Journal
Vladimir Putin rejects calls to talk with Russia's opposition leaders -- The Telegraph
Putin says he would talk to Russian opposition if only it were organized enough -- National Post/AFP
Vladimir Putin ready to talk to Russian opposition groups as a bloc -- The Guardian
Putin Promises Fair Election as ‘New Year’s Gift’ -- Bloomberg
Putin says ready for talks with Russian opposition -- Reuters
Is Putin Showing Weakness in Face of Opposition Movement? -- Voice of America
Russia's Dubious Vote -- Wall Street Journal
Alexei Navalny, key engine behind Russian protests -- AP
My Comment: From Putin`s perspective .... there is no opposition movement. In fact ... he believes that the the ones who are protesting are paid agitators from foreign powers .... while (of course) he ignores the wide spread fraud and electoral abuse conducted by his party in the last parliamentary elections. With such an altitude .... living in a bubble and in denial of what is happening outside .... I can now easily see a rough year ahead for politics and government in Russia.