An Iranian submarine in the strait of Hormuz, an important oil supply route to the west. Photograph: STRINGER/IRAN/REUTERS
Pentagon: Iranian Disruption of Oil Route 'Will Not Be Tolerated' -- FOX News
U.S. military officials warned Wednesday that any attempt by Iran to disrupt oil shipments at the mouth of the Persian Gulf "will not be tolerated," as Iran threatened for the second day in a row to interfere with the critical passageway.
Pentagon spokesman George Little describe the route, the Strait of Hormuz, as an "economic lifeline" vital to stability in the region. He said any attempt to block it would be "problematic."
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More News On Iranian Threats To Block The Straits Of Hormuz
U.S. Fifth Fleet says won't allow Hormuz disruption -- Reuters
US says it will not tolerate closure of key strait as Iran issued second warning in 2 days -- Washington Post/AP
U.S. Warns Iran Not to Disrupt Strait of Hormuz Oil Route -- FOX News/AP
US warns Iran over threat to block oil route -- BBC
US warns Iran not to block Strait of Hormuz -- AFP
US won't brook disruption in Hormuz -- Press TV
Oil price falls after US warns Iran over threat to close Gulf supply route -- The Guardian
Second Iranian official says regime could close gulf to oil traffic -- L.A. Times
'Even one drop of oil cannot flow through the Strait of Hormuz': Iran First Vice President repeats threat to close oil shipping lane over nuclear arms row -- Daily Mail
Oil price falls as Saudis trump Iran threat -- AP
Despite threats, Iran unlikely to block oil shipments through Strait of Hormuz -- Washington Post